Precise OS Evo Black Cajon
- Body: Solid alder
- Playing surface: Gabon
- 2 x 4 Snare strings
- Snare strings fanned out and separately adjustable
- Punctually compacted playing surface for highly precise snare sounds
- Playing surface screwed in place
- Dry warm bass
- Explosive string response
- Includes bass tube
Top FAQs
How long should I wait to receive my item?
It normally takes us between 3-4 days to process an order, but due to the Christmas season it could take 1-2 weeks. You will receive an email confirming your purchase, then our delivery men will contact you via phone to make a delivery appointment with you.
Where are you?
We are in Valletta Road, Mosta. Same street as Pama shopping centre, in front of the football ground
What time do you open?
We are open for business Mon – Fri 10.00 am till 7.00 pm, excluding public holidays